The Heart of the Gospel: The 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time

One of the first days on the job during a summer in college spent doing landscaping, I was asked to remove some grass from a lawn to begin a garden.  My foreman pointed to a small machine that I had loaded onto the truck that morning. As I pulled the sodcutter off the truck, I looked it over slowly and repeatedly after assuring my foreman that I “knew what I was doing”. After he explained how the machine worked, I was able to use it more effectively. Continue reading “The Heart of the Gospel: The 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time”

A treasure hidden in the field…

There are many well-known treasures in the city of Rome, and then there are some which ought to be more well-known, yet are not.  Yet, on second thought, perhaps it would be better if they were to remain unknown so as to remain a holy site and not a tourist trap.

Continue reading “A treasure hidden in the field…”